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Thursday 15 June 2017

Essentials of a good short story

So in today's article, we are going to discuss what are some of the essential ingredients of a good short story, what are the reasons that make a story good, what a writer should focus on. This article is somewhat more in accordance to the psychology of readers instead of technical terms, however, we will discuss them as well. I'll try to make the article as simple as possible.

short story
short-story writing


The start of the short story should be something that can catch the reader's attention. If you are starting with a preview of some landscape or some room, or whatever the place; make sure that you present it in a way that reader will feel his presence in that area. The main character/hero/protagonist should be presented in such a way the audience can feel what the character is feeling, they should feel his pains, his sorrows, his happiness.
The attachment of reader with the character is mandatory. Attachment not in a sense that the reader will always find the protagonist is his own self, but attachment in a sense that the reader will at least feel his presence somewhere around him.
For example:
If you are telling about a criminal, discuss all of his bad habits. His way of talking, tone of his words, his dress etc
Similarly, if you are telling about a person who is too poor but is living in a five-star hotel from the past five years, it doesn't make any sense to the reader because he has not seen such poor people around. Don't worry no one is going to write that way, it was just an easy example.😃
The only point to convey was that the story should be near to reality.


As you are generating the crisis, keep in mind that your reader should be curious to learn what next is going to happen. Suspense is also a great way of getting your readers engaged to your writings. 
The crisis should be something as already mentioned, a problem that the reader can perceive if you are writing about something that you know that your readers are completely unaware of. Then you should explain it in a way easily understandable to the reader so he can get himself engaged in the story.


As the main character is passing through the situation of crisis, it is the climax where the whole story is going to take a new turn, where the character is about to change himself. Where he is either giving up all, accepting all or changing all. 
The story from here is following a pattern, it is no more directionless. The main character has found the reason behind the crisis.


In the result, the reader should be on a conclusion about the moral of the story or about its whole theme. The story should leave its impression on readers mind.



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