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Monday 5 June 2017

How to feel good about Yourself

Feeling good about yourself is the first step in feeling good about the society as well. If you are good in your self, in your paradigms then all the society is good to you and if you are not then you may not like the colors in the rainbow as well.
So to find positive qualities in ones own self is a keen step to acquire self worth and self confidence. It also builds one's self esteem. Below are some points that you can use to feel good about yourself because only that person can be useful to the society who knows his worth.

Be positive
Be positive

Find a silent corner:

Find an isolated place where you can think and imagine freely without interruption of any outside noises and distractions. However if you can think in crowd and feel easy there as well, than you can sit anywhere and just think about Yourself.

Write Your positive qualities:

Write down all the positive qualities you know about yourself and make a list on your notebook. Read them loud to yourself and make yourself realize that you are worthy. e.g you may be good at cooking, you may be good in dancing, you may be a good singer, a good learner, a hard worker or you simply know how to boil an egg.

Ask friends:

Ask some sincere friends about the good habits and qualities in you and accept their opinions and compliments. Be thankful to them for their sincerity.

Do good for no reason:

When you do good without any reason you ultimately feel good about yourself because it is you who has given his part to the world and society in a positive manner.


Appreciate yourself for all the positive qualities that you have listed and be thankful to yourself.

List bad qualities and their possible solutions:

List some of your bad qualities and below each write down the procedure that how you are going to rectify them. this will let you learn about the change that you are going to make in yourself and that feeling of self help can make you feel good about yourself.

Observe the positive change:

As you will start doing things that make you more positive you can feel more good about yourself because you are now following a path that can make you a better person.

Avoid Regrets:

Past is a thing that we can never forget but we can forgive ourselves. We can forgive our selves for the newer version of us, for the one who is changing himself for being better. Present deserves more part of us, for present can change the future and present can also create an ugly impression on past. So, Always be thankful and never give up for being a better person, for knowing the true you.
Have faith and God will always be helping you.



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