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Wednesday 6 July 2016

How to Manage a balance in timings for Personal and Professional life

Balance is a requirement for everything on this planet, Similarly, a balance between your personal and professional life is also  a necessity for a good living.
Most of the times we spend much of our time in thinking about how to manage our time but in the end, we end up following the same routine as we were used to be.
So a  good time managing strategy is always a handy practice for this. We are providing you some tricks that can help you save and manage your time and maintain a balance between personal and professional life. So let's go to the hacks.

Be at a single place:

Don't mix your personal and professional tasks at all, when you are at home, be at home and when you are at work, be there i.e Don't check your business emails etc when you are at home.  When you are done with office, You are done. that's it. 
You can do this by imposing constraints on yourself which will then become your habits. Don't take every single task as an emergency.


Don't give your mobile number to too many people and if it is not possible to avoid coordination then you can make sure to tell people that you are not always on your phone.
Another way to avoid unnecessary contacts is to use two separate phones for work and home. When office timing is over you can switch off the phone that you are using for professional work. (However, you can provide your 2nd number to your employees for emergency contact)


 If you are sharing the same workspace for a living and for your business then it's much important that you understand the difference between the two. When you are giving time to business avoid home and vice versa. When you are at home don't make excuses to leave a situation for the sake of  work.



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