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Friday 8 July 2016

General ways for creating a good looking and catchy Facebook cover

General ways for creating a good looking and catchy Facebook cover for business profile/page.

When it comes to Business, everybody looks for a way to get promotions and generalways to promote their business. If you are using a Facebook profile or page for your business then it's a good practice and idea to use a cover page that is somewhat catchy and describes what the page/profile is about. So below are some tips to create a Good cover for Your business page.

Image size:

Use the correct image size as mentioned by Facebook to make the image containing all required information, and if not all it must at least give the idea about your business or the purpose of profile on which it is to be used.


The image should be clean and should contain more explanation in less use of words. That is, you should try to explain your idea or the business in a minimum number of words so that the image should not look much like a medicine prescription pamphlet.


Good design means you care about your product. Don't mess your cover's text with a lot of different colors. Use good quality images.

Online Tools

To create a good image you can use some online tool for that as nowadays there are many a tool for creating Facebook covers so you can just Google about and the find the one which best suits your taste.
These are just a few ways to make a good looking cover page. We will share more in next articles.



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