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Wednesday 6 July 2016

Full Stop

Full Stop/ Period

When we use . at the end of a sentence, it is called Full stop in British English and in American English it is called Period.


As Decimal separator:

It is used to separate decimal points
The answer to this question is 7.8896

When we use it as a decimal separator we usually pronounce it as a point.

As Dot

When we use it in internet protocols, it is pronounced as Dot.
Similarly, we pronounce Generalways.com as General ways Dot com

Some more differences in the use of Full stop in British and American English:

In British English full stop is normally omitted after titles and in abbreviations that are pronounced as individual letters.

Mr, Ms, Dr, UNO, UET etc.

In American English, we use a full stop in such cases.

Example: Mr., Ms., Dr., U.N.O, U.E.T etc

In AmE, full stops are used inside quotation marks even when they are not part of the quoted sentence; in BrE, the punctuation indicates whether the full stop forms part of the quotation.
“Carefree” means “free from care or anxiety”. (BrE)
“Carefree” means “free from care or anxiety.” (AmE)



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