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Monday 22 February 2016

What is Precis

What is PRECIS

PRECIS is a word of French origin which means “to precise” or “to brief”. In simple words, it is a way that you can use to shorten a given passage in a sense that the meaning and idea remain clear. A PRECIS can be related with a gardener who chops away all the unwanted foliage from the garden to make it look good. The very same way PRECIS is the action of removing unnecessary and superfluous words from a given passage.
Below are few properties of a good PRECIS.



A good PRECIS should be concise and brief, it shouldn’t contain unnecessary words. It should contain words that are appropriate as well as meaningful enough to convey the sense of passage. All irrelevant content, inappropriate words and expressions should be eliminated in a good PRECIS.


It should be consistent i.e. it should be comprehensive as well as a compact piece of writing. It should be read as a single piece.

Coherence and unity:

A good PRECIS should be coherent and united like any other piece of composition. It should be easy to understand because of its connectivity.


A good PRECIS must be clear and it should convey all the ideas to a maximum degree of relation to the original passage. The ideas should not fluctuate away from the main concept of passage.
Above mentioned properties are just a bit to this spice, however, the matter actually needs a good command of English, a handsome vocabulary and a sound way of thinking.
However, attempting a PRECIS is another important thing to be considered, you can learn it here How to Attempt a Precis

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