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Tuesday 23 February 2016

How to attempt a Precis

How to attempt a PRECIS:

How to attempt/solve a Précis is a matter of great value, a good attempt can help in a productive overall performance. So, below are some tips to attempt a PRECIS

how to

Read thoroughly:

Read the passage thoroughly once or twice (recommended), so you can get a clear idea about it. This will allow you to understand what the passage is about and in this way you can write your précis with ease.


After reading the passage, mark the important points and ideas that can be used as a title.


Omit all the quotations, illustrations, details, examples, adjectives. Only those adjectives that carry some technical sense may be retained.


Arrange all the points in such a way that it makes a logical sense when someone read our précis, the start of précis should be so clear that it can provide a sense of what comes next to it, and what the précis is all about. So, arrangement of words is an important thing to be considered.

Try using your own words:

It’s a good practice if you write the précis in your own words instead of copying the phrases from original passage. The original passage’s idea should however remain conserved.
It should be in indirect narration and try to use word substitution as well.

Past tense:

A précis should be written in past tense; however, if it’s a passage about some universal truth, this rule can be neglected.


Précis of conversation or dialogue should always be expressed in the form of narration. Unless a conjunction is absolutely necessary, it should be replaced with a semicolon. Try to give title even it is not specifically asked. The language should be simple and ordinary.


It should not exceed one third of the original passage.

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