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Friday 13 November 2015

Some inspirations to live your life

Why To live

We _The Human beings_ are rightly said to be social animals, we are a part of society as well as ourselves. But it doesn't mean that life is nothing without society. If you are not fitting in a society, another may be waiting for you. But if you don't want to fit yourself in social circles, that's perfectly all right. That is a single most common perspective, but there are hundreds of thousands of problems people are facing in this world.
You may be facing a tough time in your home, School, College or on your workplace. So I have chosen some good inspirations and have assembled them in this piece of text to let you understand How happy your life is, as compared to below people but still they are achievers, the only thing that all these people had; was a true hope. 
A hope just not to give up, a hope to reshape the concepts of society, a hope to tell life that it is precious. 
So without wasting time let's move to those personalities

inspirations to live

Stephen Hawkings:

Shortly after his 21st birthday, he got diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In a simple sense the nerves that control his muscles were shutting down. He was an atypical case so the doctors gave him 2 and a half year to live his life. But Now this man is 73 years old and a world renowned scientist, He is the director of research at center for theoretical cosmology. Also proposed the idea of hawking radiations.
But just imagine for a moment, "was the life easy for him?" and the answer will be "certainly not" but he have lived it to its fullest and is still living.
According to him:
"The victim should have the right to end his life, if he wants. But I think it would be a great mistake. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there's life, there is hope."

Muniba Mazari:

Muniba Mazari is a writer, artist, singer, activist and a motivational speaker. She is also a paraplegic, having lost control of both legs in a car accident. Through her vibrant paintings, she expresses in bold colours the strength of her own personality. Her purpose is to inspire others to live their lives to the fullest. Her inspirational talk at TedX Islamabad motivated thousands and made her known across Pakistan. She recently released a video of her visit to the Army Public School, Peshawar. Dawn spoke to her about her amazing journey.
Q. Do you feel resentful when you think about the accident which left you handicapped for life?
A. When the car started going into a ditch, I knew this was the end of my life. When I gained consciousness I was reciting the kalma and thinking I have been given a new life. Half of my body was fractured and the rest paralysed. I neither complain nor blame anyone. I believe it was destined to happen. I was 20 years old at the time and had not done anything special in my life. Today, I know where I am going and my life is important to me.
Q. Following the accident, how did you develop yourself as the person that you are today?
A. I began painting while I was still at the Agha Khan Hospital. I was bandaged all over and could barely move my hands but painted because I wanted to distract myself. Today, I work at a school for underprivileged children. My aim is to find donors and philanthropists who would fund the school so that more children may be enrolled. I am also a part of Toni and Guy’s wheelchair modelling campaign, the brand ambassador for the Body Shop Pakistan and Pond’s miracle woman.

Credits: Dawn News

These are just a few examples, there are many examples where you can find a person with nothing but still they reach the top. Life is an important gift, take care of it....!

Life is never meaningless neither it was. certainly ups and downs came in everyone's life but to consider the problem as an alternative to your life doesn't make any sense. Hope is everything. it's the brighter side of your life. Don't ever lose your hope and faiths. Sometimes we consider a little as our everything but that's just our own way of thinking. If a single door closes, there are hundreds that are opened for you but you have to move, this movement just needs your will power and an alive hope that "Yes I can do it" then you will surely find the way.
Hoping to see your feedback in comments

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