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Saturday 17 February 2018

4 Ways to Learn to Play the Piano

Learning to play the Piano has never been an easier task, You can actually spend much of your time in learning to play the piano but that
time can be worth it if you know the correct strategy of piano playing you can always influence people and fulfil your own soul’s wish to be great at Piano playing. It’s always nice to play with the keyboard. So, let’s discuss some of the things that can help you in learning Piano playing with ease.

1) Find a great song:

Everything starts with your selection of the song. You should select a song that is good for your listening, that you enjoy listening to, that you love to listen and never feel boredom of listening to that.
If you select this song, you are done to a big percent, I am saying this because I know that a bad song can cause frustration but a good song is the one that You can listen again and again.

2)Split it:

Once you have selected the song, it’s your turn to split it into little parts say like 4-7 seconds and then practise these, it will increase your level of productivity at this thing.

3) Make the grip:

Make your grip on your keyboard, be comfortable with the keys before practising anything. Then, after feeling total comfort, You can feel better only when you are doing things with ease.

4) Practice every day:

Always sharpen your saw at regular intervals, it’s important and practical. Learn every day, practice every day.

You may also like this Guide about learning Piano  Click to access it.

from GeneralWays http://ift.tt/2obkvvC
via micropedia.science

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