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Saturday 31 October 2015

Present Continuous Tense

Present continuous

We use present continuous to talk about things/situations which we consider short term or temporary.
As in the case of present indefinite we consider actions which are long-term and permanent.

Examples of present continuous

Who is talking on the phone?
Are you going to Karachi?
It is raining. We use present continuous to talk about situations/periods which are happening around the time of speaking. Please note that I have used "around the time of speaking" instead of "at the time of speaking" It doesn't mean that "at the time of speaking" is labeled wrong. Let's clear these two things with examples. "At the time of speaking"
He is drinking water.
Maria is eating food.
Is Ali wearing clothes?
Now see the difference by examples of "Around the time of speaking"
Your company is doing well this year.
The waste disposal is becoming a serious problem. ( We have used present continuous, but the action is in progress at the time of speaking i.e. these actions are continuous around the time of speaking.)

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