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Friday 30 October 2015

How to Memorize vocabulary

How to Memorize English Vocabulary:

This article will help you understanding Vocabulary and to learn new words.We will discuss some tips on learning vocabulary/new words  and what are the points that stop us from learning.These include some nervous habits. But don't worry we will go through them with details of their minimization.


Why We need to Learn vocabulary:

Most of the times We want to learn new words and memorize Vocabulary to gain high scores in tests or to achieve goals. We also need a grip on vocabulary to be a good conservationist and for good communication with foreigners.
So below we will see the ways to learn vocabulary.

Where to find Vocabulary/New words:

Whenever We want to start learning something as a newbie we need a source/script to follow; in order to achieve our Goals. So, to learn vocabulary surely we need some sources to find daily new words, phrases or sentences to get a command over the language.
Another way is to read novels and stories in English.
So below are some good sources to learn English vocabulary or to find new words.

English Newspapers:

A very good source to learn vocabulary is to read English Newspapers. You can find almost every good newspaper in e-paper form today so it will not cost you at all. Another way is to buy a newspaper.But whatever you chose, Our aim is just to find new words.
A very great thing about this technique is that; in learning from Newspapers we will not have to wonder where to use words and How to use them in sentences.The authors have chosen the words very precisely to maintain the dignity of their paper and skills of authors.
So if we go on learning only 10 words per day it will be a total of 300-310 words per month, and I am talking about the minimum.


Surely to learn a language's vocabulary we need to listen to words of that language in a way, so as to pick the pattern of natives. And the best words of common use are found in the literature. As movies are the expressions of literature, So we can find the most required words by listening audios and watching movies of a particular language. As in the case of English, we can watch English movies with their subtitles in our native language or vice-versa.

Other sources:

These may include any media that you find useful in learning a language such as dictionaries, talks, communications and hundreds of more sources.
So Now Let's come to the main topic that is "How to Learn vocabulary?"

How to Learn vocabulary:

Let's discuss some methods to improve our vocabulary and to memorize new words.Below is the list of things that we should need to go on.

Write the words:

As some sources are already discussed above, Now the main thing is to learn vocabulary. To do so the first method is to write the words in your diary and use them in your sentences too.It will not only teach you the meaning but also the correct use of words in sentences.
If you find it boring the other way is to start writing short stories or fantasies In English with an increased use of your recently learnt words.It will make you pleased as well.

Use in conversations:

If you are new to English or any language that you are trying to learn, Then the most important thing is to use your learnt words in direct talks. Find a member of your family or a person in your surrounding who has a good command of your required subject.
Tell them that you are trying to learn this and ask them to guide you as much as they can.

Say words many times:

Say the words that you have recently learnt in every part of your today's conversations trying to make them fit everywhere but with a little sense.use the same words in different sentences again and again so as to make yourself used to them.


Have you ever imagined that our mind subconsciously picks those words or phrases that we listen frequently as we can take the example of certain TV commercials.
If you have an electronic dictionary then you can listen to words many times with correct pronunciation.But don't worry if you don't have any.There are alternatives too.
The simplest way is to record a voice clip of your words and play it with again and again to listen and learn.

Mark the words:

If you are learning from dictionaries then you can use the marking/highlighting technique.It will make you learn fast and easy as next time when you open dictionary you can see the marked words and say to yourself "Oh my Gosh, I have learnt'em".

Words not to be learnt:

Some words are not of much use so we can avoid them.There is no reason to use our energy over nothing, However if you think yourself to be an extraordinary person with  a lot of potential then you can try learning the whole of the world's knowledge.

Making interest:

You can make your interest in learning vocabulary by first choosing the words that are related to your subjects or that by some means link to your interests.

Master words:

Try to master the words by studying how they are spelled, pronounced and inflected. Try to understand how they are used in sentences.
Never learn a single word by itself. Learn groups of words that “travel” together. For example instead of learning "bunch" alone, you can try learning " A bunch of grapes".

These are just a few methods discussed above but to learn vocabulary the most important thing is your willingness to do so.

Avoid nervous habits and don't be inconsistent.
Don't underestimate the importance of tiny things like spellings etc.
Don't try to learn new things when your mind feels tiredness.

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