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Thursday 12 April 2018

Some Ancient Rituals To Renew Your Life, Spirit And Happiness

Some Ancient Rituals To Renew Your Life, Spirit And Happiness

We are all attracted to the idea of a fresh start, whether it’s because things haven’t been going well for us recently or just because we want to begin a new period of positive change. That’s why so many people make resolutions at the beginning of a new year or use their birthday as a time to reflect and reset. But have you ever thought that your spirit might need a clean slate too and that finding ways to provide this might help you to better manifest what you want? If you are not overtly religious, you might dismiss the idea of renewing your life or spirit. However, there are actually plenty of satisfying and powerful traditions that are compatible with humanist values. Here are some rituals that can be particularly helpful in boosting your happiness and in creating an environment more compatible with the productive use of the Law of Attraction.

Create A Household Shrine

The idea here is to create something that instantly makes you feel good when you enter your home. It should remind you of comfort, joy, safety and well-being, but you have a lot of freedom when it comes to designing this kind of shrine. Commonly included items include family mementos, items that remind you of wonderful times in your life, and gifts from people you love. It can also be lovely to place flowers or plants in the shrine area, especially ones that connect with you on a personal level.

Light Reflection

In its basic essence, this ritual is a type of meditation that focuses all of your energy on a candle. Pick a candle with a scent or color that relates to your manifestation goals or represents your personality in some way, and sit in front of it in a dark room. Look at the light of the flame, and listen to the small cracking sounds that intermittently occur. You will find that this technique enhances your mental clarity and makes you feel both calm and grateful.

Honor Your Relatives

In ancient times, a person’s family history was held sacred. Ancestors played an important part in daily life and shaped a child’s identity as they grew up. This may be true for you now, as it is for some, but it’s generally less common to pay attention to heritage in modern times. There’s a lot to be gained from looking back at your long lineage, considering the lives and roles of your grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on. Thinking or writing about how these people have directly and indirectly influenced who you are can have a rejuvenating influence on your spirit, and can give you a sense of connection with the world around you.

Be Actively Compassionate

Try to figure out at least one lifestyle change you can make to renew your life or spirit, and to encourage you to take a fresh perspective. In particular, consider how you might be more compassionate to other people and animals. Could you make the more humane choice when it comes to food, give more to charity, volunteer more of your time, or foster a needy animal? All of these things can help you find a new sense of purpose and creates a high inner vibration of positivity that helps to attract more good into your life.


Stargazing is a simple but powerful ritual that immediately gives you a sense of the universe’s incredible majesty and scope. Sit outside on a dark night with a flask of tea, wine or hot chocolate, and allow yourself to focus on respect and reverence for life. This is also a lovely ritual to share with a loved one, whether you stargaze with a partner, child or close friend.

Conduct A Fire Ceremony

Fire ceremonies are symbolic of letting go of old things that are no longer needed and giving birth to something new. So, for example, you might choose to burn a piece of paper on which you’ve written an old belief you no longer want to hold, or a negative fixation you want to let go(e. g. with a former relationship). When you place such items in a fire, you honour them as having taught you a lesson and how to move on with the useful knowledge they’ve provided.


from GeneralWays https://ift.tt/2IPl8E0
via micropedia.science

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