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Saturday 14 April 2018

Relationship advise for a long-term relationship

Relationship advise for a long-term relationship



Have you ever wonder in your mind you have reached a limit of relationship at a certain point in your life and you feel there is nothing new you can do with your partner. I challenge there is so much new to unfold. Every year new records are made the old record is broken by the similar people once the limit is set it is always there to be broke in a relationship there is always a next step you can take to make your relationship more healthy.

Positive relationships can easily transform into negative one when we don’t take our relationship to next stage when we poise to do things started to get complicated very easily and makes you feel that you are in a negative relationship. Limit exist only in a mind of a person you assume that you cannot do anything more to satisfy another person you have done enough you don’t have the courage to do things. A positive relationship is like water it flows like water whereas negative relationship is like a carbohydrates drink uncontrollable just as if you have shaken the Pepsi drink it is popping out like a wild thing.

Tips for a long-term relationship


The word might be boring for most of the people but there is so much reality in this word if you don’t trust your tongue you can’t speak even a word from your mouth I’m saying this to you. I just want you to memorize this phrase “Trust each other again and again. When the trust level gets high enough, people transcend apparent limits, discovering new and awesome abilities of which they were previously unaware.” —David Armistead



Communication is an essential ingredient of life when you communicate honestly with another person about your expectation thing gets easier for them. It takes courage and wisdom to be honest with others. When you don’t tell your partner what you need it is a very tragic situation for both men and women. Unfulfilled things will make you feel bitter and resentful towards another person.

DON’T Gossip about your relationship

When people fall in love they usually talk about their lover and crush with anyone I think it is a big mistake you carried away with the feeling of your emotions by that moment but it is a big mistake you need to talk to only those persons who gave neutral advice to you. In my opinion, you don’t need anyone to share your problem and life issues because everyone has got their own problems and 90 % people do not care about your problems only 10 % people are happy that you have them. It is a wiser option if you have difficulties in a relationship you can only ask one or two people for the advice.


It is a condition where you put yourself in the position of other where you try to understand other person emotion, thoughts and feeling you are compassionate about other it gave them mental support when another person understands you. It is like you sprint in hot weather and someone offers you a bottle of water and you are free to drink it.

A real relationship is where two people who know that they are not perfect do not give up on each other.








from GeneralWays https://ift.tt/2qxq6gX
via micropedia.science

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