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Wednesday 16 November 2016

Some General ways of Studying effectively

Study harder is a concept, study smarter is another. People with good studying habits are generally the ones who understand where to study hard and where to study smart. Hard work is surely a key to success but working hard as well as working smartly provide a surety for getting that key. We have many issues in our lives and We have to manage each of them appropriately in order to get good yield in every prospect.

Most of the times we have to study what's not interesting to us, we just have to take it as a necessary task and a way to pass exams. This mindset effect our absorbance level as well. However, below are some tips to study effectively. You can use them according to your circumstances and conditions.

Avoid Distractions: 

Some times we are in some nervous condition or in a state of some mental stress, take your time and let the stress level come to a lower level, then start your studies.

Think positively: 

Avoid negative thinking while studying. Never degrade yourself by thinking the negative things about yourself. Try to stay focused.

Stop Comparing Yourself:

 Avoid comparing Yourself with other people, try to look at your own positive and productive things. Instead of Comparing yourself with others, compare your past with your present and try to be more productive.

Avoid Procrastination:

Avoid Procrastination while studying, Don't procrastinate a task for tomorrow what you can do today. The more you delay, the more delay become your habit so, avoid delaying as much as possible. Moreover, tasks done at time provides a good self confidence that provoke you to do more work.

Find a Good place:

Find a distraction free good place for studying, it will help you in  maintaining  proper concentration. Find a place that suits your habits and needs. Try to avoid places where television and other such stuff of entertainment is present. Select an area that is noise free.

Cell phone:

Don't use your phone while you study, even avoid it if you are keeping it beside you just for the sake of watching time. Use a stop watch instead. Smart phones now a days can distract all your concentration in a moment.


If your learning is not computer based then avoid it as much as possible during the hours of studies. Make hand writing notes if possible, However you can type them later if you like that form.

Bring Everything:

Bring everything You need to study so that it may not let you lose your attention while you are going to recollect things. The same way avoid unnecessary things.

Make Your own notes:

Try to make your own notes, that will help you in absorbing data as well as it will use your other senses of learning. Even if you are copying some one else's notes. Try to use rewrite them in your own words so you can learn and absorb as well as to enhance your creativity.

Use memory games:

Try to learn new things in different ways and by using memory games. For example you can learn this line "Every Good boy deserves fun" by making a rhythmic word by joining very first letter of each word in the sentence so, it will be like this "EGBDF" 
Memory games are a fun as well as a good technique to memorize things.

Share your learning:

Teach what you have learned to some one in your class. If you cant do so,pretend this by teaching yourself. Explaining something to others help us keeping it in our own memory.



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