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Monday 23 May 2016

How to prevent being a multitasker

How to prevent being a multitasker

We all have many tasks to complete, but most of us try to do all of them simultaneously which seems to be something worth practicing but the truth is that we can perform only a single task more efficiently at a time.
Most people find it easy to concentrate well on a single task at a time. so if you want to prevent yourself from performing multiple tasks at a single time. This article is for you.

OOps these tasks

Divide your Time:

The most convenient way to get rid of multitasks is to divide all your working time into segments or blocks. Make sure to perform a single task in one segment of time.
For Example:
I assume that I will learn Physiology from 1pm-3pm, so I have made a segment of my time and have reserved it for learning. Similarly, I can create another block/segment for another task.
Now as I have reserved that I'll learn in that particular time then it is required for me to do nothing else but to only learn i.e one task at a time.
The problem most people face is that while performing one task at a time, still their mind divert to other things and ultimately the task get a shift. To avoid this you have to follow the rule strictly.

Take Breaks

To avoid boredom and You can take breaks and you can do so by dividing your time in a more reasonable and advanced way. This technique will make your habit more friendly and easy. The Technique is that "Work every 25 minutes and allow yourself a little break of 5 minutes after every interval of 25 minutes."
This will help you in making a perfect routine (you have to take care to perform only a single task in that period and if a task requires more time than 25 minutes then after taking breaks you can surf another interval of 25 minutes on that but the purpose of all this is just to avoid being a multi-tasker.)
Note:You can take breaks longer than 5 minutes depending on your free time. plus if it is hard for you to concentrate on a subject for 25 minutes you can at first reduce the time and after developing your potential,slowly increase it.

How to manage less important tasks:

If some of your tasks are not much important and can be done on some other day, it's better to write down all of these and then allow yourself a day to complete them so you can get rid of stress and complete important things with ease.

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