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Saturday 3 October 2015

Gender Lens

Gender lens:
Gender lens can be defined as one's ability to understand the gender's worth in society, it can be better explained by considering spectacles as an example.Imagine that out of one lens of the spectacles, you see the participation, needs and realities of women. Out of the other lens, you see the
participation, needs and realities of men. Your sight or vision is the combination of what
each eye sees.
gender lens
One’s vision becomes refined and more acute when donning these spectacles; often it is more compassionate and humanistic as well.
According to UNESCO a gender lens can be many things. A form of gender lens that is gaining popularity is a
tool that governments and NGOs can use in their regular operations. (e.g. A gender lens
for training programs would be used every time you develop training. A gender lens for
planning could be used for developing each annual work plan. A gender lens for research
and surveying can be routinely used in data collection.)
This operational gender lens often has these characteristics:
• It is a list of questions, a checklist or a list of criteria.
• It is routinely used (see above examples).
• It is created in a participatory manner by those who will use it.
• It is recorded in words or in pictures where literacy is low.
• At least two copies are always kept in the same place in your organization’s files so people
can find the gender lens to use it.
• The key people who do planning & program development are given copies of the gender lens
and orientation in why and how to use it. (e.g. senior management staff and planners,
pertinent stakeholders).
• A gender lens usually contains less than 10 points.
• Each point focuses on the distinct realities of men and women.
• Where appropriate, the distinct realities of girls and boys are included.
• Many gender lenses include: planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating. Other
gender lenses focus strictly on one of these functions. (e.g. A gender lens can be used for
monitoring the gender sensitivity of communication tools like posters, brochures, street
theatre etc. Another gender lens can be created to guide project evaluators, etc.)

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